Patient Resources

Learn more about FRUZAQLA

Patient Brochure

Find helpful information for getting the most out of your FRUZAQLA treatment.

Doctor Discussion Guide

Get ready to talk to your doctor about mCRC and FRUZAQLA at your next visit.

"What to Expect" Brochure

Learn about what getting started on FRUZAQLA is like for people with previously treated mCRC.

Colon cancer support communities and organizations for you and your caregivers

Besides the support you receive from your oncology team, there may be additional supportive resources available. You can become an even more active participant in your care by reaching out and finding the people, tools, and educational resources that you need for support.

Takeda Oncology is not affiliated with any of these organizations. By listing these resources, Takeda Oncology is not endorsing any particular service or group and we are not responsible for the content of these sites or services. They are provided here for informational purposes and are not meant to replace your healthcare provider’s medical advice.



Colon Cancer Coalition


Colorectal Cancer Alliance


Fight Colorectal Cancer


Global Colon Cancer Association

Say Yes to Hope
